Wir sorgen mit unserem Gastransportnetz für Sie
zuverlässig, nachhaltig & innovativ

Mit unserer Gasinfrastruktur sichern wir die Zukunft am Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland nachhaltig und sorgen für eine verlässliche Gasversorgung unserer Kunden zu jedem Zeitpunkt.

Wir sorgen mit unserem Gastransportnetz für Sie
zuverlässig, nachhaltig & innovativ

Mit unserer Gasinfrastruktur sichern wir die Zukunft am Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland nachhaltig und sorgen für eine verlässliche Gasversorgung unserer Kunden zu jedem Zeitpunkt.


Hier finden Sie aktuelle Informationen zur bayernets GmbH.

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12. Juni 2019

bayernets would like to inform you about the following additional firm products that we will offer for the first time in the next yearly auctions and in all subsequent auctions for shorter periods as well.
The following capacities will be offered in the already published yearly auctions starting on 01 July 2019, 09:00:

  • Firm entry capacity (FZK) in competition at the storages Haiming 2-7F/bn, Haiming 2-RAGES/bn, Inzenham-West USP, USP Haidach and USP Wolfersberg
    • 01.10.2019 06:00 - 01.10.2020 06:00: 896 MWh/h Entry FZK
    • 01.10.2020 06:00 - 01.10.2021 06:00: 832 MWh/h Entry FZK

Please note: Up to 2,709 MWh/h of firm entry capacity (FZK) will be offered in the quarterly auctions for the winter period from 01 October 2019 to 01 April 2020.

  • Temperature-dependent capacity as conditionally firm, freely allocable entry and exit capacity (bFZK) of up to 1,262 MWh/h in competition at the storages Haiming 2-7F/bn, Haiming 2-RAGES/bn, Inzenham-West USP, USP Haidach and USP Wolfersberg.

This capacity will be offered from 01 January 2020 onwards. For this reason, it will only be for sale in the upcoming yearly auctions for periods from October 2020 onwards.
We will offer the first three quarters in 2020 in the upcoming quarterly auctions starting on 05 August 2019, 09:00.

Please note: Please find attached the temperature-dependent conditions according to the network developement plan in our Supplementary Terms and Conditions (German: EGB) section 5.

Currently we already offer up to 1,580 MWh/h firm exit capacity (FZK) for the summer period from 01 April to 01 October at the storages Haiming 2-7F/bn, Haiming 2-RAGES/bn, Inzenham-West USP, USP Haidach and USP Wolfersberg in competition. This procedure will be continued for all future summer periods.


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