As a critical infrastructure and utility company bayernets operates several management systems in order to meet its responsibility to guarantee a secure, reliable, high-performance and non-discriminatory network operation. In compliance with energy laws and gas-specific regulations this includes Technical Safety Management (TSM), the Information Security Management System (ISMS), Equal-Treatment Management and Compliance Management.

As a transmission system operator, critical infrastructure and a company proving services of public interest, we are part of the German and European gas transmission system. With our gas pipeline network, we guarantee an essential part of the public services for a multitude of towns and municipalities in Southern Bavaria and Tyrol, thereby making a significant contribution to the security of supply. A central element of our responsibility is to operate our grid in a safe, reliable and efficient way and to ensure its non-discriminatory availability for our grid users.
In accordance with legal, technical and internal rules and regulations, we accept this responsibility and welcome inspections by auditing and certification bodies. For us, assuming this responsibility means that we regularly check our processes, train our employees and guarantee an advisory function through corresponding designated officers.
Acting responsibly
We are clearly committed to fulfilling the applicable rules and regard this as an integral element of our corporate culture. We have summarised the most important areas of regulation relevant for our corporate activities in a code of conduct. This code determines our behavioural principles for a safe working environment, the protection of our environment, fair competition, the protection of the assets entrusted to us and protection of data and trade secrets. Our Compliance Management System is managed and further developed by the Legal & Compliance Department. Compliance with the relevant regulations and laws is monitored by the Compliance Officer of bayernets and the Management System undergoes regular audits.
Contact for Compliance
Ms. Kathrin Hartung
Divisional Head of Legal, Market & Public Affairs
Tel.: +49 (0)89 890572-402 (secretary’s office)
Safe, reliable and high-performance network operation
A central element for the safe, reliable and high-performance operation of our network in accordance with the regulations of the Energy Act and the High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinance is bayernets’ Technical Safety Management (TSM). The Director of Technical Operations makes sure and monitors that both structural and process organisation are compliant with legal stipulations, thereby also ensuring a qualified approach to the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of our gas supply systems. This includes safety and environmental requirements. Our Technical Safety Management has been certified by DVGW and is audited in accordance with gas industry regulations at regular intervals.
Contact TSM
Mr. Marcus Irle
Tel.: +49 (0)89 890572-301 (secretary’s office)
Mr. Richard Unterseer
Tel.: +49 (0)89 890572-201 (secretary’s office)
A further essential element for the safe and secure operation of our grid is the safeguarding of information security. In accordance with regulations set out in the IT Security Act, we maintain an Information Security Management System (ISMS) pursuant to the IT Security Catalogue of the Federal Network Agency according to Section 11 (1a) EnWG. The system is based on the requirements of the ISO/IEC standards 27001, 27002 and 27019 and comprises all required IT systems and processes for secure network operation. Implementation was certified by an approved and independent auditing company and is checked in annual review audits. Recertification takes place every three years. The Information Security Officer of bayernets is responsible for continuously monitoring compliance with the regulations on information security.
Contact ISMS
Dr. Alexander Wagner
Information Security Officer
Tel.: +49 (0)89 890572-470
Environmental Protection
As a transmission system operator, we bear responsibility for environmental and climate protection. For this reason, it is paramount for us to avoid and continually reduce methane emissions, thereby supporting the climate goals of the European Union. As we phase out nuclear power, we must continue to guarantee the security of energy supply here in Germany. In addition to inherently fluctuating renewable energy sources, it is important to ensure a secure supply of electrical power. Gas-fired power stations are especially suitable for this. Natural gas is therefore already a key element of climate protection and the energy transition. By using natural gas from our network area, carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by more than 4 million metric tons/year compared with the corresponding heat and electricity generation from oil and coal.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), one tonne of unburned methane released into the atmosphere has 28 times more greenhouse effect than one tonne of carbon dioxide over a 100-year period. The greenhouse effect of the methane emissions from our transmission system amounts to less than 1 % of the above-mentioned reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from gas supply. This was confirmed by a certified service provider who, among other things, measured diffuse emissions. Together with the other transmission system operators, we are continually working on further reducing our methane emissions.
By gradually increasing the proportion of green gases in the gas supply, in particular with hydrogen, the gas infrastructure will become an indispensable element for transporting and storing renewable energy in the medium and long term. More information in German on this topic is available at Website FNB Gas.
As a regulated company and Independent Transmissionsystem Operator (ITO) certified by the Federal Network Agency in accordance with Sections 10 – 10e of the Energy Act, we offer non-discriminatory transmission services to all network customers. The non-discriminatory performance of our network operation in accordance with our Equal Treatment Programme pursuant to Section 10e of the Energy Act is checked by our Equal Treatment Officer, who submits an annual report to the Federal Network Agency.
Contact Equal-Treatment
Dr. Katharina Schick
Non-Discrimination Officer
Tel.: +49 (0)89 890572-121