Registration for shippers
Our marketing takes place on the capacity platform PRISMA. After registering on PRISMA, please submit your registration forms for the bayernets area directly to us.
The marketing of our transmission capacities takes place on the capacity platform PRISMA, which is the common capacity platform of the European TSO’s. In the course of the registration process on PRISMA we will provide you with different forms on PRISMA. Important documents here are the registration form as well as the allocation notification for activating balancing groups/sub-balancing accounts on PRISMA. If you are interested in booking a storage or cross-border interconnection point on our network that is subject to nomination, the application to determine nomination eligibility is also important for you to complete the registration process. Please send the completed forms directly to bayernets. The above-mentioned forms are available for download below.
Registration as a shipper for the booking of capacity at a storage or cross-border interconnection point that is subject to nomination
- Registration as a shipper on the PRISMA capacity platform
- Conclusion of a balancing group contract the market area manager (Trading Hub Europe (THE))
- Complete the forms “Selection of Balancing Groups”, “PRISMA Registration” and “Nomination Eligibility”
- Booking of Auctions capacities on the PRISMA capacity platform
Registration as a shipper for the booking of capacity to supply a grid point to a final consumer
Various final consumers (namely industrial consumers) with high or higher capacity demands are connected directly to the network of bayernets. These final consumers are supplied by a shipper. In this case a shipper can be the final consumers itself or a contracted supplier.
If the supply of a grid point to a final customers should be carried out by the final consumers itself, the following steps shall be carried out by the final consumers itself. If the supply of a grid point to a final customers should be carried out by a contracted supplier, the following steps shall be carried out by the contracted supplier.
- Registration as a shipper on the PRISMA capacity platform
- Conclusion of a balancing group contract the market area manager (Trading Hub Europe (THE))
- Complete the forms “Selection of Balancing Groups” and “PRISMA Registration”. It is not necessary to complete the form “Nomination Eligibility”.
- Booking of FCFS capacities on the PRISMA capacity platform
For questions related to registration as a shipper, please contact
Documents for registration: