Hydrogen market survey 07 February – 22 March 2024
On 7 February 2024, the German gas and electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) launched a joint market survey on the future infrastructure demand for hydrogen and electricity. The survey ran on a web application that was open until 22 March 2024.
Thank you for your interest in the Germany-wide survey of infrastructure demand for the electricity and hydrogen network. 1724 project registrations throughout Germany were submitted to the market survey for hydrogen projects (WEB), 297 registrations for Bavaria. When the submission deadline expired on 22 March 2024, the submitted data was write-protected and deemed to be registered. The registered projects remain in the relevant database and can still be viewed by the project submitters after the 22 March 2024 – the data, however, can no longer be amended or deleted. The results of the market survey for hydrogen projects (WEB) will be depicted in the scenario framework for the Network Development Plan Gas and Hydrogen. Subsequently, a consultation and confirmation of the scenario framework by the Federal network Agency will be carried out.
Your contact persons for the hydrogen topic

Daniel von Wachter
Network Analyses and Capacity Calculations