With our gas transmission system,
we take responsibility for your future:
bayernets – reliable, sustainable & innovative

We are sustainably securing the future of Germany’s economy with our gas infrastructure, ensuring a gas supply our customers can count on – always.

With our gas transmission system,
we take responsibility for your future:
bayernets – reliable, sustainable & innovative

We are sustainably securing the future of Germany’s economy with our gas infrastructure, ensuring a gas supply our customers can count on – always.

Hydrogen projects

As a transmission system operator, we are participating in numerous hydrogen projects and are thus making a considerable contribution to ramping up the hydrogen economy in Bavaria.

As part of this involvement, we are sharing in particular our expertise related to hydrogen transport and are exploiting the decades of experience we have in developing and implementing larger infrastructure projects. In addition to this, many years of dialogue and cooperating with network customers mean that we have developed a particular understanding for the needs of future hydrogen network users.

Below, we wish to provide you with information on a selection of hydrogen projects that we are involved in:

HyPipe Bavaria – The Hydrogen Hub

Our hydrogen start-up network for southern Bavaria.

We are paving the way for hydrogen imports to Bavaria and are shaping a hydrogen hub in southern Bavaria. The HyPipe Bavaria – The Hydrogen Hub project lays the foundation for a hydrogen start-up network in Bavaria by 2030, which will be implemented to 95 percent by repurposing existing natural gas pipelines. With approximately 300 kilometres, HyPipe Bavaria –The Hydrogen Hub is an integral part of the European Hydrogen Backbone, connecting regions with hydrogen demand to numerous potential production regions in Germany and abroad.

Further information here.

HyPipe Bavaria / H2-Cluster Burghausen

First hydrogen pipeline by 2025.

The declared goal is to set up the Bavarian Chemical Triangle as a starting point for ramping up hydrogen in the whole of Bavaria in the near future. We are currently implementing the first repurposing project in our network area there, with commissioning planned for the year 2025. In future, a 14-kilometre pipeline-system is to be disconnected from the natural gas grid and will connect hydrogen sources and sinks with each other. Subsequently, the hydrogen network will be incrementally expanded and connected internationally. The Chemical Triangle currently has a natural gas demand of six TWh per year. Substituting fossil fuels means that the industrial customers in this region will require two TWh of hydrogen as early as 2030.


H2 cross border – Energy knows no borders

“H2 cross border” maps the whole value chain from production, storage and cross-border transport to consumers.

The energy partnership between bayernets GmbH, Bayerngas GmbH and RAG Austria AG has been set up to drive the hydrogen ramp-up in Europe. As part of a specific project, the required framework conditions and processes for the whole value chain will be established across borders and actually implemented for the first time. The declared goal is to develop a high-performance hydrogen supply chain via Austria to Bavaria and thus create prerequisites that will pave the way for a future with hydrogen.


  1. Production and storage of green hydrogen using the water electrolysis system in Pilsbach (Lehen)
  2. Use of existing certification according to TÜV SÜD CMS70
  3. System registration or listing of green hydrogen in the Austrian biomethane register
  4. Injection into the grid as part of an admixture with natural gas to meet the grid´s current gas quality requirements when delivered to the grid operator
  5. Transport from Austria to Bavaria
  6. Delivery to the end-consumer
  7. Transfer of the H2 certificates from the Austrian biomethane register to the German DENA biogas register and issuance of the register extract for the end-consumer

For further information, please click here.

HyPipe Bavaria / Ingolstadt H2 Cluster

Ramp-up of a hydrogen infrastructure in the Ingolstadt region.

As part of the “HyPipe Bavaria / Ingolstadt H2 Cluster”, the consortium is planning to develop a hydrogen infrastructure in the Ingolstadt area to supply participating industrial sites and the region with hydrogen. Refineries such as BAYERNOIL and Gunvor as well as automotive manufacturers like Audi will soon be able to use sustainable hydrogen to decarbonise their production processes. The network operators bayernets, Energienetze Bayern and SWI Netze are important partners when connecting to the future hydrogen transport network by repurposing existing gas pipelines for hydrogen and developing a regional transport network to connect producers and consumers.


H2EU+Store – Green hydrogen for Europe

International industry partnership plans hydrogen ramp-up along the whole value chain.

The “H2EU+Store” project is set up to create required capacities for producing green electricity and hydrogen in Ukraine on the one hand and on the other to increase storage volumes for hydrogen in Austria and Germany as well as make necessary adjustments to the infrastructure for the transport of hydrogen to central Europe. The participating companies drew up and developed the required steps.


The “H2EU+Store” industry partnership is supporting the EU hydrogen strategy and is laying the foundations for the desired ramp-up of hydrogen utilisation in Austria and Germany.

In a phased plan set out up to 2050, green hydrogen produced in western Ukraine will be injected in what is for Europa significant volumes into the international gas transmission system of western Ukraine. It will then be transported via the gas pipeline systems of Slovakia and Austria to energy storage facilities in Austria and Germany and from there will continue its journey to central Europa.

You will find further information here.

Quo vadis hydrogen power plants?

Study identifies grid-optimised sites for the reconversion of renewably produced hydrogen in Bavaria.

With this study and our expertise, we wish to further promote the swift hydrogen market ramp-up in Germany. The focus of the “Quo vadis hydrogen power plants?” study is on the energy-system optimised siting of H2-ready power plants in order to eliminate congestion in electricity transmission from northern to southern Germany by using hydrogen networks.

Besides developing renewable energies and the related network expansion, secured generation capacities are also crucial on the path to climate neutrality by 2045. These capacities are necessary to handle dark doldrums, generation fluctuations and consumption peaks. New, flexible power plants achieve the greatest efficiency for effectively providing redispatch power in southern Germany. Contrary to the situation in the north, where electricity generated by wind power is already in ample supply, additional power plant capacities conveniently sited near consumption areas in southern Germany can make a significant contribution to congestion management. This means it is necessary to develop the currently planned hydrogen network early and strategically to connect with southern Germany.

SoutH2 Corridor

Green hydrogen from the southern Mediterranean region for Europe

The SoutH2 Corridor initiative comprises an approx. 3,300 km hydrogen pipeline that connects North Africa, Italy, Austria and Germany. Led by the four transmission system operators (Snam, TAG, GCA and bayernets), who have each submitted applications to the European Commission as PCI projects, competitive renewable hydrogen is to be delivered to European demand clusters. More than 70 % of the corridor comprises already existing infrastructure, with new pipeline sections to be built if required. The corridor is receiving trilateral political support and strong interest from companies who are participating in producing and purchasing hydrogen along its entire length. The SoutH Corridor will play a decisive role in transporting both imported and domestically produced hydrogen.

Trans4In – Energy transformation in the Bavarian Chemical Triangle

The climate protection goals pose significant challenges for the chemical industry. The processes and related infrastructures, which are currently mainly based on fossil fuels, are facing a major transformation. Within the scope of the Trans4In study, industrial companies and infrastructure operators in the Chemical Triangle around Burghausen and Burgkirchen have joined forces with the FfE to chart a way to climate neutrality for the region. Trans4In is part of the TransHyDE TransHyDE flagship project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


The Trans4In studies were processed by the Forschungsgesellschaft für Energiewirtschaft mbH. The FfE activities in the Trans4In study are funded as part of the TransHyDE flagship project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (funding code: 03HY201E).


Project partners:

bayernets GmbH

Bayernwerk AG

Tyczka GmbH

Wacker Chemie AG


The study focuses on the following issues:


  • What transformation measures are being taken by each company and how can they complement each other?
  • What is the current demand for the respective fuels (especially hydrogen) and how will this develop in the future?
  • What infrastructure requirements will arise from the demand development?
  • What can a comprehensive industrial transformation strategy for the region look like?

The Trans4In project concentrates on transformation paths to CO2 neutrality in the Bavarian Chemical Triangle, beginning with industrial consumption considering energy production and transport in the region. Essentially, the transformation path was developed in three stakeholder-centred steps:


  • Collecting data on current energy flows and existing transformation measures of local industrial companies,
  • Merging of data into one overview and developing a regional transformation strategy,
  • Discussing and aligning results with local industrial companies, utilities, grid operators and further relevant stakeholders.

Would you like to discover more about our hydrogen projects? We are looking forward to your questions.


Your contact persons for the hydrogen topic

Fabian Schmitt

Strategic Network Development

Tel.: +49 (0)89 89 05 72-245

Daniel von Wachter

Network Analyses and Capacity Calculations

Tel.: +49 (0)89 89 05 72-139

Jonas Heilhecker

Hydrogen Project Development

Tel.: +49 (0)89 890572-113