What we stand for
As a transmission system operator, we take responsibility for our gas transmission system in Bavaria and offer our customers the highest level of supply security and quality.


Transmission system in km

Compressor units

Exit points
Our tasks as a transmission system operator
We are one of the large transmission system operators in Germany, transporting gas for our customers safely, efficiently and in an environmentally friendly way – and we do this round the clock with the highest level of reliability.
As part of the market area Trading Hub Europe we provide flexible shipping capacities for distribution system operators, gas traders, storage operators and industrial customers and ensure the required system stability. Customers can book our gas transmission capacities using the European capacity platform PRISMA. We then make sure that the gas arrives at exactly the right place at exactly the right time.
Our professional team ensures that current requirements for the gas transmission system and for the marketing of gas are met and continuously adapted to new challenges. We are continually developing our gas transmission system: we take an active role in shaping the Network Development Plan Gas and expand our shipping capacities where this is needed.
We think ahead when considering our next steps. After all, the market is continuously changing. Together with authorities and associations, our company actively participates in developing the general conditions of the gas industry of tomorrow. And we are committed to a secure and future-viable supply of gas at both a national and European level.
Our affiliates and memberships
Further Information
What we do
Shape the future with us.
Read here what importance Compliance has in our company.
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