Metering point operation provided by bayernets
As a metering point operator, we guarantee a constant metering of energy at the entry and exit points on the bayernets network. This metering is compliant with calibration regulations and includes proper and timely data transmission. bayernets offers the conclusion of contracts for carrying out metering point operation by third parties in accordance with Section 9 paragraph 1 of the Metering Point Operation Act (MsbG).
In accordance with legal requirements, the required provisions for conducting metering point operation and the metering point operator general contract for gas in the bayernets network are set out in this section.
Insofar as bayernets has been commissioned by the connection user to carry out metering point operation, bayernets renders these services for the connection user according to the Metering Point Operation Act (MsbG).
In accordance with Section 33 paragraph 2 of the Metering and Calibration Act (MessEG), the network operator responsible for the metering point operation is deemed to be the user of metered values in the sense of the calibration law and is thus responsible for complying with all requirements and obligations arising from calibration law.
Services provided by bayernets within the scope of metering point operation:
Mobile gas composition measuring
Our mobile calibrated gas composition measuring means that we are not only independent of the power supply and self-sufficient, but in addition to state-of-the-art technology also provide professional support and flexible rental terms. We offer a comprehensive service for both calibrated and operational measuring.

Metering audits
Together with colleagues from the metering audit team, we provide operating point inspections to verify all volume metering. Under certain conditions, this means that gas meter recalibration intervals may be extended. We are also happy to support with onsite calibration of volume converters.
Metering data retrieval and processing
The colleagues from the Technical Volume Metering team take care of the relevant data management. This includes not only monitoring load profiles and detecting faults and irregularities early but also comprises determining energy values, forming substitute values and K-factor correction.