Welcome to the press area of bayernets GmbH.
Our media library
Pictures and brochures about our company are available in the media library.
Press releases
Market area conversion levy and biogas levy 2019
Information website keeps market up to date on journey towards the single German market area
Rainer Dumke will end his working life as Managing Director on 30 November 2018 and begin his well-earned retirement
TSOs intend to launch single German market area in October 2021
bayernets GmbH: Technical Security Management (TSM) and Information Security Management System (ISMS) successfully certified

Dirk Barz
Head of Corporate Communications and Public Relations

Further information
Our media library
Pictures and brochures about our company are available in the media library.
Here you will find what you are looking for
What characterises us
What bayernets stands for and what moves us.