Welcome to the press area of bayernets GmbH.
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Press releases
Purging of the Central European Line at the Mailing Station
Where will Germany source its future supplies of natural gas? TSOs publish scenario framework document as part of the 2016 NDP process
"More natural gas will help power the energy transition in the electricity sector"
German Gas Transmission System Operators (TSOs) release 2014 Network Development plan (NDP): security of supply upheld by scheduled L/H gas conversion plans
MONACO 1 General Agreement
Scenario framework published - German transmission system operators (TSOs) start extensive consultations over 2015 network development plan for gas (NDP)
Launching of Plan Approval Procedure MONACO 1, New High Pressure Gas Pipeline MONACO 1 to stretch from Burghausen to Finsing
Improving security of supply - transmission system operators release 2013 gas network development
Consultation Process NC Balancing - Launch of Market consultation for Implementation of Network Code Balancing Gas
Dirk Barz
Head of Corporate Communications and Public Relations
Further information
Our media library
Pictures and brochures about our company are available in the media library.
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