With our gas transmission system,
we take responsibility for your future:
bayernets – reliable, sustainable & innovative

We are sustainably securing the future of Germany’s economy with our gas infrastructure, ensuring a gas supply our customers can count on – always.

With our gas transmission system,
we take responsibility for your future:
bayernets – reliable, sustainable & innovative

We are sustainably securing the future of Germany’s economy with our gas infrastructure, ensuring a gas supply our customers can count on – always.


Welcome to the press area of bayernets GmbH.

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Press releases

NDP Gas 2015, A signal for stable grid expansion: Bundesnetzagentur approves 2015 Gas Network Development Plan

  • NDP sets out comprehensive action plan for the period to 2025, with 71 infrastructure projects requiring investments of €3.3 billion
  • Plans for the switchover from low to high calorific value (CV) gas further specified

Berlin, 16 November 2015.

Purging of the Central European Line at the Mailing Station

Munich, 30 September 2015. - The transmission system operator bayernets GmbH will purge the Central European Line at Mailing Station on Tuesday, 6 October 2015. Prior to this process, the pressure in the pipeline will be dramatically reduced so that…

Where will Germany source its future supplies of natural gas? TSOs publish scenario framework document as part of the 2016 NDP process

  • Projects are consistently developed, with alternative high CV gas supply sources being taken into consideration

  • Gas quality switchover process from low CV gas to high CV gas remains a key focus

  • Interests of distribution network…

"More natural gas will help power the energy transition in the electricity sector"

Together with a number of natural gas traders, German transmission system operators submitted an open letter to Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel “More natural gas will help power the energy transition in the electricity sector”. The signing parties…

German Gas Transmission System Operators (TSOs) release 2014 Network Development plan (NDP): security of supply upheld by scheduled L/H gas conversion plans

  • NDP Gas 2014 addresses declining L-gas production

  • Some €2.8bn to be invested in gas grids by 2024

  • Finalisation after intensive market consultation

Berlin, Jan. 28, 2015. Germany`s NDP Gas for 2014 released by the German Gas-TSOs…

MONACO 1 General Agreement

High-pressure gas pipeline MONACO 1: bayernets GmbH and Bavarian Farmers’ Association sign general agreement

Scenario framework published - German transmission system operators (TSOs) start extensive consultations over 2015 network development plan for gas (NDP)

  • Safety of supply: gas sourcing revised, planning for L gas market conversion extended until 2030

  • Robust database: latest reference forecasts included

Berlin, July 28, 2014. As a basis for the fourth network development plan for gas,…

Launching of Plan Approval Procedure MONACO 1, New High Pressure Gas Pipeline MONACO 1 to stretch from Burghausen to Finsing

Munich, 6 June 2014. - The Administration of Upper Bavaria has opened the Plan Approval Procedure for the construction of a high pressure gas pipeline by bayernets GmbH. The pipeline should run from Burghausen to Finsing. With the new pipeline TSO…

Improving security of supply - transmission system operators release 2013 gas network development

  • € 2.2bn to go into system upgrades by 2023 

  • Up for discussion

  • market area conversion as production of low cv gas drops

Berlin, March 18, 2014. - By 2023, German gas transmission system operators (TSOs) will invest some €2.2bn into…

Consultation Process NC Balancing - Launch of Market consultation for Implementation of Network Code Balancing Gas

German TSOs and market area managers carry out consultation – results to be reported to German regulator Bundesnetzagentur

Berlin/Ratingen (17 January 2014). - Today the market consultation on implementation of European Network Code on Gas Balancing…


Dirk Barz

Head of Corporate Communications and Public Relations

Tel.: +49 (0)89 89 05 72-151


Further information

Our media library

Pictures and brochures about our company are available in the media library.

Here you will find what you are looking for


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